Wednesday 19 January 2011

5 Weeks

I can't tell you how excited i am to be able to say im 5 weeks pregnant! I know it's very early days and still not taking one single day of this pregnancy for granted but i didn't even get this far last time so for me this is a mini milestone in itself!

I haven't really had too many symptoms yet which i have to admit that bothers me! I see lots of girls at 5 weeks or even earlier having all kinds of symptoms and i want some too just for that peace of mind that everything is ok! Right now that peace of mind is like goldust to me. So far I have had sore boobs that come and go some days they are really sore others like right now they don't hurt at all why is that? The bloat and twinges come and go too. I've still been taking my temp every morning seeing it still WAY above the coverline helps make me feel better. Im still waiting for the nausea to kick in, not that i want to feel sick i hate that but another symptom would be nice! I've been doing as much research as i can and from what i can see lots of girls feel the way i do now at this point so thats good to know. I hate to speak too soon but i do have this positive feeling that everything will be ok it's a feeling that i didn't have last time so im hoping this is a good sign!

It was my Birthday on Saturday i have to say it was pretty special knowing that i was pregnant.  Rich took me out for a meal and we did a little bit of shopping! Always fun for me not so much for him lol! We did go and buy the book What to expect when expecting and a baby names book which we have had a lot of fun with looking through the names.  I don't want to buy anything for baby until i have had my first scan i will feel like i can relax and really enjoy my pregnancy then.  I did want to buy a little something for baby so we decided to buy a childrens story book that i can read to baby and i wrote the date we found out inside. The date was 11/1/11 which i thought was pretty cool! It was just our little way of marking the day.

I got the pregnancy confirmed at the Drs on Monday i would have been 5 weeks on the dot so decided i should go. I didn't want to rush in im taking this pregnancy just one day at a time.  She confirmed everything and said to make an appointment with the Asthma nurse to monitor my asthma apparently pregnancy can affect it and also to make an appointment to see the midwife in 2 weeks time, im so excited i think this pregnancy will seem even more real then! 


  1. <3 I didn't start getting any symptoms until 6-7 weeks! Don't beg for them hehe

  2. Thanks Erin, yeah I keep telling myself to enjoy feeling good whilst i still can lol! Darn paranoia makes me worry!

  3. yay!! Like Erin said, just count yourself lucky if you don't have many symptoms! I was pretty lucky & just had it mildly. Enough to know I was pregnant, but not enough to interfere with my life.

    Pleeeeaaaase stop temping! If your temp goes down one day, due to some unknown cause, you don't want to freak yourself out and worry, when it is probably nothing.

    I know it's hard with your previous loss, but just go with that positive feeling and don't look back! You're not TTC anymore!

  4. Thanks girls your comments really helped! I decided yesterday that it was about time to step away from the thermometer lol! Im sure im worrying over nothing and am starting to relax as much as i can. At the end of the day what will be will be i just have to hope this is it this time and enjoy it. <3

  5. So happy for you Claire!!
    and Happy Birthday :)
    What an amazing gift.

    I also did not get any symptoms right away. Maybe by 7 weeks the exhaustion kicked in. I had a m/c right before this pregnancy so I understand the paranoia very well. For me it eased around the 12 week mark. I hope it eases for you sooner!!!!

    Congrats !!
