Sunday 12 June 2011

8 Weeks and hellloooo hormones!

Im 8 weeks 3 days today and lets just say the hormones are really kicking in! I have felt pretty sick on and off for about 2 weeks now but last night and today were the worst! I actually threw up for the first time this pregnancy this morning (sorry TMI) and the way im feeling there's a whole lot more to come! I have to admit it's not nice it's never nice to feel lousy even if the reason for it is so good! BUT im not complaining at all these are the symptoms I begged for in my last pregnancy just to have peace of mind and well we all know how that turned out so every ounce of crap im feeling im also so very thankful for. Hopefully this means my baby is growing strong and i'll take whatever pregnancy has to throw at me for that!  I've also had a few days this week were I just have to cry! Now im not a crier not really obviously I have my moments and this past year has seen more than a few of those but seriously im crying and I have no idea why this is just so funny to me that im even laughing whislt im crying because it's so crazy! So I guess those preggo hormones are really kicking in now and im loving it!!

1 comment:

  1. haha well I'm glad the symptoms are giving you some peace of mind!!

    Just remember though, it's okay to just complain once in a while! it never ever ever means you're not grateful for the pregnancy. Sometimes the symptoms just plain SUCK! especially when the hormones throw your emotions all over the place!!
